Stress engineering
Want to know more about stress engineering?
Rick Eilander is at your service
Pipestress, structural calculations, pressure vessel calculations, these are challenges you will encounter sooner or later in an industrial project. But where do you start? At Tooker! Our stress engineers love stress and are happy to take it from you. We know better than anyone else what design codes and regulations apply. Consider calculations for piping systems, pressure vessels, components and structures.
Honesty and thoughtfulness
We will never over-complicate an issue. You have a question and you get an honest answer from us. That is what we stand for. Every project is different and therefore requires customization. We like to combine our knowledge with that of our clients. Together we can identify the issue so well. Our engineers like to think with fresh eyes, ask critical questions and, where necessary, use the knowledge of our partners.

We support:

Pipestress analyses (flexibility calculations).

Pressure vessel calculations

FEM analyses (Finite element calculations).

Structural calculations

PED Advisory

Advice on design codes and regulations
Download our infographic or brochure
Other disciplines

We help with: environmental or safety issues, project development or simply capacity expansion.